The spawn of Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley takes after her two lab nerd parents in the sci-fi shocker Splice.
Genetically concocted Dren – loopy, endearing and freakish – has the smarts of both rebellious scientists Elsa and Clive. Dren’s got the unpredictable, relentless will of Elsa, and the soulfulness of Clive. Very much like E.T., she wants to phone home. Unfortunately she has no home except where she finds herself now, in the spooky land of her creators.
With spot-on acting by Brody and Polley as hotshot splicers who are romantically involved, the film immerses us in the ethical drama created by the two scientists.
The violent scenes whet one’s horror appetite, and only become gratuitous later in the film.
Chafing at the restrictions set by the pharmaceutical company that sponsors them, Elsa and Clive have set up their own lab (called “Nerd,” which is Dren spelled backwards). It is here where Dren is born.
The pleasant surprise is Delphine Chaneac as Dren, whose complex performance rivals her computer generated chicken legs and barbed tale. She’s all yearning and devilish mischief. Howard Berger crafted the special effects.
Oscar winner Brody is the conscience of the film. Exasperated, he reminds Polley about right and wrong even while he crosses that line himself.
The plot is predictable as we worry about genetically engineered creatures run amok. The puzzle of Dren’s fate is a smart, perplexing understory. Dizzying wealth drives the company’s research while remaining its ultimate motive in creating genetic cures.
Polley renders a particularly cold, hungry, vulnerable genius in Elsa. There’s a subplot about Elsa’s insane mother. While she doesn’t avoid the possibility of passing along those genes to Dren, her Dr. Frankenstein creature will yield precious cures for chronic diseases.
Splice is chilling to the very end, making one wonder whether creatures like Dren already exist somewhere on Earth.
If you like Splice, you might enjoy: Insidious; Shutter Island; Unknown.
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Splice 2009 / R / 1 hr, 44 min
Cast Overview: Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, Delphine Chaneac, Brandon McGibbon, Simona Maiconescu, David Hewlett
Director: Vincenzo Natali
Genres: Science Fiction, Horror, Suspense/Thriller
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